May 23, 2020 – 6th Week of Easter

“Realizing that God is walking with us, through every stormy and rainy situations of life, may we boldly look up to the pealing flashes of troubles, with a smile, acknowledging: ‘My God is always with me!’”

(Based on Acts 18:23-28 and Jn 16:23-28)

A cute story is told of six year old Sally.

Sally loved to walk to and from, school, daily.

One evening, as she came back from school, it was too cloudy.

The skies were dark; with a frightening intervention of lightning and thunder.
But Sally still enjoyed to walk in those overcast conditions.

As she reached home, her mother was extremely worried.
More than anything, she was worried that her little daughter would be extremely frightened by the heavy storm and the peals of thunder and lightning.

However, as the mother saw her daughter coming from far, towards home, she was surprised.

She could see her little daughter looking up to the skies, every time a lightning flashed.

In curiosity, the mother asked the daughter, when she reached home:
“My child, were you not afraid of this dreadful climate? And why at all were you looking up, every time that there was a lightning?”

The little girl, with all her innocence said:
“Why at all should I be worried, Mamma?
God is always walking with me, isn’t it?

And moreover, today, He was taking pictures of me. So I kept looking at those flashes with a big smile!”

Well, that’s the innocent heart of a child…
… who trusts in God, and knows that He would be with her, in all the walks of life!

How happy are we, if we recognize that our Heavenly Father is deeply in love with us, His children, and never ceases to express His caring affection to us, at every moment.

The Gospel of the Day is a testimony to Jesus affirming the assuring and loving presence of God, our Heavenly Father.

Jesus declares these beautiful words, which ought to be inscribed in golden shades, on the canvas of our hearts, “… the Father Himself loves you…” (Jn 16: 27a)

This is indeed one of the mightiest and loftiest truth that we all need to know, experience, be convinced of, and live constantly in its assurance…
… the truth that “The Father Himself loves us!”

Every person longs for love and longs to be cared for…

Human love, however, sometimes fails to answer to this basic and essential need.

Sometimes people around us get too busy, to even care for us…

Sometimes, people from whom we expect love, fail to understand our need…

Sometimes, people who ought to care for us, fall short of their responsibility….

All this could leave a feeling a hurt within us.

All this could imprint a wound of sadness inside of us.

But in such moments of feeling lonely and desperation, especially, Jesus assures and promises us that we are not abandoned or left lonely…

Instead Jesus emphatically proclaims that just as He was loved by His Father, we too are loved by our Heavenly Father!
It is confidence in this tremendous love of the Father…
… that will make us to seek whatever we wish in life, knowing that our prayers will be answered, in the way and the time, that He, My Father wishes! (Jn 16: 26)

His Love will make me delight in His Will, letting go of my personal desires!

It is conviction in this unconditional love of the Father…
… that will make us to enjoy a deep sense of joy and bliss, knowing that in any situation of gloom or sadness or tension or worry, He, My Father, is taking me through! (Jn 16: 24)

His Love will make me want to do only His Will, setting aside my individual desires!

The Acts of the Apostles records the incident of a man named Apolos of Alexandria, who was willing to grow deeper to understand more about the Lord…
… and thus becomes a more effective witness to the Kingdom.

Apol′los, a native of Alexandria began to speak boldly in the synagogue; but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him and expounded to him the way of God more accurately.
And when he wished to cross to Acha′ia, the brethren encouraged him, and wrote to the disciples to receive him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed, for he powerfully confuted the Jews in public, showing by the scriptures that the Christ was Jesus.” (Acts 18:26-28)

When one is encompassed by the Love of the Lord, one seeks to always do His Will…
… being ready to even change and accept corrections!

May we always realize that He is walking with us, through every stormy and rainy situations of life…
… and we can boldly look up to the pealing flashes of troubles, with a smile, acknowledging: “My God is always with me!”

God Bless! Live Jesus!

Quotable-quote-a-day-with-St Francis de Sales (SFS) – “He asks for your own heart.

Give is such as it is!

Are we not aware that everything that is remitted into His Divine Hands is converted to good?”

2 thoughts on “May 23, 2020 – 6th Week of Easter

  1. Dear Father, greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Healer.
    Thank you very much for sharing the inspirational reflection daily. Today’s Homily 23rd May is leading to keep confidence in the love of the Father who walks with us daily in joys and sorrows.
    May God bless you and your minsitry.
    Your brother in Christ,
    Fr. Lourduraj. O. Praem


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