✝️ REFLECTION CAPSULE – June 20, 2024: Thursday

“Asking the Grace from ‘Our Father’ to help us make inroads into forgiving others!”

(Based on Sir 48:1-14 and Mt 6:7-15 – Thursday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2)

There was a king who had suffered much from his rebellious subjects.

But one day they surrendered their arms…
… threw themselves at his feet
… and begged for mercy.
>> The king pardoned them all.

One of the king’s friends said to him: “We are surprised at your act!
>> Did you not say that every rebel should die?
>> Did you not give us a command that every enemy should be killed?”

“Yes,” replied the king, calmly…
… and added, “but I see no rebels here!”

True forgiveness flows from the heart…
… and eliminates every bitterness
… so as to render every enemy as null and void!

We are today called to have a special focus on the aspect of forgiveness…
… as we give heed to the beautiful rendition of the pattern of all prayers – “The Our Father” – as recounted by St Mathew

The Gospel of the Day is part of the Sermons on the Mount in the Gospel of St Matthew.

Jesus presents His teaching on various Christian themes.

In His teaching on prayer, Jesus teaches the beautiful prayer – The Our Father.

The Our Father has seven petitions:
1. Hallowed be Thy Name
2. Thy Kingdom come
3. Thy Will be done
4. Give us today our Daily Bread
5. Forgive us our sins
6. Lead us not into temptation
7. Deliver us from evil.

The fifth petition – for forgiveness – is also accompanied with a clause – “…as we forgive”..
“…and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” (Mt 6:12)
… forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us!
… forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us!

Well, does this mean God’s forgiveness is conditional?

Certainly NO!

It needs to be understood, that God, in His infinite mercy and goodness, has always the store of forgiveness, unconditionally opened for us!
>> But to receive this treasure of forgiveness, we need to first forgive others!

God’s Mercy and Forgiveness is unconditional…
… but our reception of the same, is conditional!

It means that…
>> If we harbour a wrong against other…
>> If we continue to nurture hatred against other…
>> If we wilfully fail to extend absolution to the other…
>> If we adamantly keep having repulsion against the other…
… then we are telling God to not forgive me either!
… then we are telling God to not shower His blessing on me!
… then we are telling God to withhold His unconditional mercy on me!
… then we are telling God to stop extending His unconditional compassion!

We are called therefore, to “forgive from our heart”…
… and thus to reconcile with everyone in our life.

It is when we truly forgive, that we become recipients of the Great Mercy and Forgiveness of God!

The prayer – “Our Father” is indeed one of the most easily learnt and widely used prayers.
>> But this clause of the prayer, which is often overlooked, also makes this prayer dangerous!

Let us ask the Grace from ‘Our Father’ to help us make inroads into forgiving others!

Let us realize that true forgiveness flows from the heart…
… eliminates every bitterness
… and thus, renders every enemy as null and void!

God Bless! Live Jesus!

📖 Discovering the beauty of the Catholic Church through the Catechism
>> Through the power of the Holy Spirit we take part in Christ’s Passion by dying to sin…
… and in his Resurrection by being born to a new life
… we are members of his Body which is the Church, branches grafted onto the vine which is himself. (CCC # 1988)

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